May 8, 2015

Promoted partnership between Macedonian Red Cross/City Red Cross of Skopje and Transmet


The City Red Cross of Skopje in frames of marking the 8th of May- The world Red Cross and Red Crescent day on Thursday 7th of May has organized workshop under the headline “Our principles in action”. This day is also marked in all 189 NSs in honour of the founder of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement-Henry Dunant

At the workshop in DHO Dare Dzambaz on 7th of May the new project “School clubs for education and prevention” was promoted and will be implemented by the City Red Cross of Skopje with financial support of the donor Transmet DOO. At the event official addressing had the Secretary General of Macedonian Red Cross-Sait Saiti and the General Director of Transmet Sead Kochan who have spoken about the meaning of joint partnership in the implementation of the project activities.

The goal of the project activities is strengthening the capacities of youth in 19 primary and secondary schools in Skopje and provision of support for the community. The work of the clubs in great measure contributes to the school curricula and non-formal education of youth in the topics from the area of health prevention and social welfare activities, as well as initiation of new innovative forms of youth organizing. With reactivation of these clubs there will be implemented educative and health prevention activities, trainings, educations, public events, cooperation with other NGOs, local self-government and many citizens will be reached. The city Red Cross of Skopje with support of the donor will inspire usage of free time of the youth for implementing the Red Cross activities which will mean that they can leave their own mark in the community as identification of potential target groups or fields to act.

At the workshop under the headline Our principles in action the participants had the opportunity to express their creativity and speak about the principles in order to prepare and publish manuals/materials that will be used during the implementation of the project activities.

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