Meeting with the participants who passed the trainings for home caregivers for older people and people with disabilities in Strumica
On May 20, 2021, a monitoring visit was conducted by the project staff of the Red Cross of RNM in the premises of the Regional Center in Strumica, within the project “Development of business services for integrated care and support in the Red Cross of RNM”. The meeting was attended by the Secretary of the Red Cross Branch Strumica – Mariana Tosheva, as well as 20 caregivers from the municipalities of Strumica, Gevgelija, Radovish and Valandovo who successfully completed the training, supported by the Austrian Development Agency, Austrian Red Cross, and Swiss Red Cross.
On the meeting with the caregivers the participants discussed the interest and satisfaction with the way the trainings were conducted, their previous experiences, the market situation and the impact of the Covid-19 situation, as well as their personal views and recommendations regarding the involvement and engagement in the labor market.
At the moment, caregivers are having a hard time finding beneficiaries due to the Covid-19 situation, but some of them are still involved in community service in assisting the older people. Regarding the conducted trainings, they emphasized that they were extensive enough and are pleased with the trainers and the theoretical part of the trainings. The trainees believe that it is necessary to introduce part of the practical part in the Nursing Homes and to be visited by the trainees, but they agree that at the moment it is more difficult to realize them.
At the same time at the meeting, the participants also discussed stigmatized view by the guardians and the families of the older people in the society in the implementation of the homecare services.
In terms of their views on work and motivation, the trained caregivers expressed interest for employment in this field, as well as interest for additional training in the field of personal assistance.