Seminar on the topic “International security and the implementation of the International Humanitarian Law”
On the period from 19-20 of September 2018, the Ministry of Defense organized a seminar on the topic “International security and the implementation of the International Humanitarian Law”, in the Center for training “Xhozef Kruzel”, the barrack Goce Delcev – Skopje, where representatives from the Ministry of Defense, the Army of the Republic of Macedonia, the Ministry of Interior Affairs, the Directorate for protection and rescue, the Center for Crisis Management and the Macedonian Red Cross participated. Representatives of the Macedonian Red Cross were Leandra Toska and Sytrime Zeqiri.
During these two days, eminent professors from the Military Academy “General Mihailo Apostoloski” and the MIT University held interactive sessions through lectures, case studies and problem solving situations on the most actual topics from the field of IHL, with the purpose of enhancing the knowledge of the participants with the International Humanitarian Law and its implementation.
In the end of the seminar, a certificate from the Ministry of Defense was given to each participant for successfully completing the seminar.