Visit of Harald Fugger – Attaché at the Austrian Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and Consumer Protection
Today, the Secretary General of the Red Cross of RNM Mr. Sait Saiti met with Mr. Harald Fugger – Attaché at the Austrian Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection.
The meeting was also attended by Mr. Christian Diemt and Ms. Ana Maria Scheithauer, representatives of the Austrian Red Cross, with which the Red Cross of RNM has long-term cooperation and support in implementation of different project activities.
At the meeting, the participants discussed current issues for development of initiatives to support the homeless, victims of gender-based and domestic violence, who can be included in the Red Cross programs. The participants on the meeting expressed satisfaction with the implementation of the ongoing activities within the project “Mitigation of the effects and consequences of COVID-19 on the most vulnerable in society with emphasis on the elderly” supported by the Austrian Ministry of Social Affairs.