August 26, 2014

Workshop for Programme/Project Planning within the implementation IPA project for home care financed by the European Union


Macedonian Red Cross conducted a workshop for Programme/Project Planning within the implementation of the IPA project for home care financed by the European Union. The workshop was organized in Struga in the period of August 22 – 24, for representatives of the Red Cross branches of Prilep, Kichevo and Gostivar and 11 civic associations that participate in the project activities.

The objective of the training was to enhance the capacities of the Red Cross branches and the civic organizations in the area of project development. Total of 32 persons attended the workshop and they are expected to use the newly gained skills for project planning for development of project activities in the area of ageing and older people. The projects are expected to be developed by joint teams comprised of representatives of the Red Cross branches and the civic organizations from the three municipalities.

One day workshop will be organized in October for purpose of evaluation and approval of the developed projects which could be subsequently submitted to interested partners in the communities, business sector, and other agencies and funds in order to raise the necessary funding for implementation of these project initiatives.

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