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Study visit to Serbia within the framework of the Regional Project Download Action for Social Inclusion of the Elderly


Study visit to Serbia within the framework of the Regional Project Download Action for Social Inclusion of the Elderly

From 20 to 24 December 2017 in Serbia, a study visit was held to exchange experiences from the realization of activities for social inclusion of the elderly, organized by the Red Cross of Serbia. This visit was realized within the framework of the Regional Project implemented through the Red Cross of Serbia as a project coordinator, in partnership with the Austrian Red Cross, Macedonian Red Cross, the civic association “Humanity” from Macedonia, the Red Cross of Montenegro and civic associations from Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The study visit was attended by representatives of the project teams and members of the Inclusion network from Macedonia, as well as representatives of the project team and the network of civic associations from Montenegro. Representatives of the project team of the Macedonian Red Cross, Humanity and the Association for Alzheimer’s Disease were present from Macedonia.

On December 21, 2017, the Red Cross of Serbia organized a meeting with the members of the HumanaS network, where the coordinator of the project activities of the Macedonian Red Cross presented the results of the conducted research on the need for opening services for social and health services for the elderly . At the meeting were presented the activities of the members of Humanana for social inclusion of the elderly. Representatives from the civil initiative from Belgrade presented the financial procedures in accordance with European standards, as well as the visibility rules.

During the study visit, a visit to the Volunteer Service was held in Zvezdara, Belgrade, where the activities were presented which through this service provide assistance to the elderly in this municipality. In the service volunteers have the opportunity to carry out educational, recreational and creative activities with the elderly, but at the same time adults as volunteers provide assistance to elderly people who visit them once a week or more if needed. During the visit, the representatives of Macedonia and Montenegro attended a formal event marking the five-year existence of an old people’s corner of the Red Cross of Kragujevac. Through this corner intended for quality and healthy aging, groups for self help are realized, telephone is available for assistance of the elderly, and also activities are carried out – a working weekend in the village, where old and sick people are visited and are delivered health and social services. A visit was also made at the Gerontology Center “Bežanijajska Kosa” in Belgrade. This center covers four areas and this is a long-term care for the old, daily services in the community, info center and social and administrative services. Altogether with all the services, more than 10,000 users are covered, and more than 150 program activities are implemented covering all generations.

The exchange of experiences on the activities for social inclusion of the elderly within the study visit was of great importance and it would serve as a positive practice for the development of the activities for the elderly.


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