Every day thousands of people lose their lives and many more suffer needlessly because they are not given adequate and timely help. The situation could change significantly if more people are aware of the importance and are properly trained to provide first aid.
According to data obtained from the European Road Traffic Safety Commission in Europe last year, around 20,600 people died in traffic accidents, which is an increase of 3% compared to 2021. Statistical data from RCRTS confirm that the state of road traffic safety in North Macedonia in the last three years shows a trend of improvement.
In 2021 there were 116 victims and it is the year with the lowest number of traffic victims in the last 15 years. But according to the objectives of the Second National Strategy for the Improvement of Road Traffic Safety, the Republic of North Macedonia by 2020 should have reached the level and average of the EU member states, which means less than 100 people killed in traffic accidents annually, and the challenge to meet the EU and UN targets and by 2030 to halve the number of deaths resulting from injuries sustained from different types of accidents.
One of the basic tasks of the Red Cross of RNM is to participate in the training of the population in RNM for proper and timely first aid. We advocate for constant improvement of the quality of first aid programs, created according to the needs of different target groups. During the past few years, the Red Cross of RNM has paid particular attention to the improvement of first aid teaching, we have modernized the equipment for teaching and improved the methodology of education and acquisition of practical skills in the field of first aid. We continuously work to improve cooperation with regional and international organizations in the field of first aid and follow the news in the field of first aid education, with which the first aid curricula are prepared according to the guidelines of the Global Reference Center for first aid.
The Red Cross of RNM, as the only organization that invests in the field of first aid, strives to grow into a leading first aid reference organization in the country through which policies and programs for the promotion of first aid will be created.
For young people, we organize municipal and state first aid competitions in order to raise their awareness as much as possible and improve their first aid knowledge. We are particularly committed to promoting first aid in educational institutions, where we educate young people about the importance of proper and timely first aid.
In the period from May 2022 to March 2023, the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia conducted a first aid campaign under the motto “First aid saves life” aimed at primary and secondary school students aged 12-18 years in the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia. The main goal of the campaign was to raise awareness among the young population about the importance of first aid as a life-saving skill. Within the campaign, the Red Cross branches of RNM conducted 736 first aid trainings and educated a total of 28,206 students from primary and secondary schools in the country who acquired basic knowledge and skills for administering first aid. The trainings were conducted by 242 lecturers and 195 first aid demonstrators according to a program adapted for school-aged children.
Dear, the success of the first aid campaign is not only ours, it is also part of our joint efforts with the Ministry of Education and Science, educational institutions, the Ministry of Health and the City of Skopje in building healthy and safe communities and they have given great support in the entire process of implementing the campaign, for which we sincerely thank them.
We hope that in the future we will continue to educate and inspire the youth in the country with the spirit of humanity and kindness that are part of the vision and mission of the Red Cross.
In the future, in partnership between the Red Cross of the RNM, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Science and other relevant institutions in the country, we can contribute to raising awareness among the population and the responsible institutions in the country about the importance of correct and timely first aid with to contribute to the prevention and reduction of the consequences caused by inadequate and untimely first aid.