Red Cross ShapeRed Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia
Desk officer for administrative legal affairs in the Red Cross of RNM


Desk officer for administrative legal affairs in the Red Cross of RNM

The Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia is a humanitarian organization that works to prevent and alleviate human suffering, protect life and health, improve the social situation, ensuring respect and dignity for human beings, especially in times of accidents and disasters, promotes the international humanitarian law and humane values, encourages voluntary work and provision of emergency assistance, and a universal solidarity and humanity.


The office of the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia has a professional team comprised of more than 25 staff who work on providing support, coordination and monitoring of the work of Red Cross branches.


Job title: Desk officer for administrative legal affairs in the Red Cross of RNM


Location: Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia


Address: Blvd. Kocho Racin no. 13, Skopje


Required Qualifications:


  • University degree for completed studies at the Faculty of Law
  • Active knowledge of English language.
  • Proficient in MS Office package (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), internet, email applications
  • at least two years of past working experience


Other required professional qualifications, competences and skills:

  • Communicative and positive person
  • Organizational and analytical skills
  • Ability to present and adapt to working conditions
  • Critical thinking
  • Team player
  • High level of motivation
  • Innovative and creative
  • Proficient in development strategies and policies in the target area
  • A sense of multiculturalism and non-discrimination


Work Objectives: Creation of policies and programmes and implementation of regulations to enable organizational support for the governing and management structure


Job description:



  • prepares normative acts required for the organization
  • prepares proposals and performs professional analyzes on issues that are important for the application of the legislative matters in the Organization;
  • takes care for respect and interpretation of the provisions of the Law and the Statutes of the Red Cross of Macedonia and the internal acts of the Red Cross of RNM;
  • prepares normative acts for the needs of the Assembly and the Governing Board of the Red Cross of RNM and is responsible for their consistent observance;
  • organizes the sessions of the Assembly and Governing Board of the Red Cross of RNM;
  • monitors the positive legal regulations that are of interest to the organization and informs the Red Cross branches and the City Red Cross of Skopje;
  • provides support and monitors the application of the adopted internal acts of the Red Cross of RNM and submits them to the Red Cross branches and the City Red Cross of Skopje;
  • Looks after the implementation of safety and health policies at work in cooperation with the person responsible for human resources;
  • organizes trainings and counseling for the Red Cross branches and the City Red Cross of Skopje for dissemination of normative acts;
  • provides legal advice on the operation of the Tracing Service;
  • prepares working materials for meetings of the advisory bodies;
  • provides expert assistance and advice and cooperates in the realization of the other matters within his/her sphere of work related to implementation of adopted decisions and conclusions;
  • proposes a representation plan and participates in its development;
  • informs the line manager about the completed activities verbally or in writing;
  • provides legal counseling for the Secretary General, the President and the Governing Board regarding adoption of decisions, conclusions and other internal acts;
  • takes care of personal data protection;
  • regularly monitors amendments in laws, strategies and policies of the competent Ministries and the Government;



Net salary: MKD 35,000.00


Possibility for carrier development and additional benefits.


Instructions how to apply:


Interested candidates should submit a short biography and a letter of interest (why you would be our perfect candidate to be interviewed) on the following email addresses and and


Selected candidates will be invited for an individual interview.


The job advertisement lasts until May 28, 2023.


We are expecting you.

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