Red Cross ShapeRed Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia
Social – humanitarian programs


Social – humanitarian programs

The Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia, within the social-humanitarian programs, is continuously engaged and makes efforts for protection of the dignity and improvement of the life of the vulnerable population in the communities.

Providing adequate and quality social services to the beneficiaries, strengthening the material capacities, as well as upgrading the human resources, are development goals of the social-humanitarian programs. Special emphasis in the programs is placed on encouraging the social inclusion of vulnerable target groups of the population, as well as reducing the vulnerability of the population facing certain social risks.

For the implementation of the social-humanitarian activities, the Red Cross of RNM cooperates with the government institutions, the civil sector, as well as with the business sector in RN. Macedonia. The activities at local level are implemented by the Red Cross in a participative manner by including the vulnerable target groups in the communities, in order to enable a participatory approach in making decisions that directly affect the improvement of their quality of life.

Social – humanitarian programs:

  • Provision of humanitarian aid for vulnerable population (provision of donations for food aid, hygiene items, clothing and other necessary assistance)
  • Support and assistance to homeless people (Centers for homeless in Skopje, Strumica, Bitola)
  • Programs for active and healthy aging (day care centers for the elderly and home care centers; clubs for the elderly, activities to build resilience of the elderly to deal with certain challenges; development of services for the delivery of services for help and care for the elderly and frail people, etc.)
  • mproving the socialization of children and youth with disabilities (children and youth with disabilities in day care centers, and children in foster families)
  • Fight against trafficking in human beings (peer education to raise the awareness of the young population for prevention and protection against trafficking in human beings)
  • Educational programs – verified by the Center for Adult Education for acquiring professional skills for:
  • personal assistance to persons with disabilities
  • caregivers for help and care for elderly and people with disabilities
  • palliative caregivers for frail persons
  • care assistants for people with Alzheimer’s disease
  • Services for delivery of social services intended for care and assistance for elderly and frail, persons with disabilities.
  • Traditional program activities:

Week of Solidarity – goal: raising the awareness of the population for the necessary help and support to vulnerable population.

Hunger Week – goal: to raise public opinion on the problem of poverty, as well as the awareness of the population for the necessary help and care of the population.

International Day of the older persons / Week for Care for Elderly – goal: to raise public awareness of the need for increased integration of older people in all spheres of social life, as well as the need to provide care and assistance to the elderly.

European Anti-Trafficking Day – goal: raising the awareness of the young population on the prevention and protection against trafficking.


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