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Meeting with Disseminators of the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia


Meeting with Disseminators of the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia

On November 6, 2024, a meeting was held for disseminators from 14 Red Cross branches and two representatives of the Head office of the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia.


The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the current status and activities of the national society in the area of dissemination, promotion of humanitarian values, and activities planned for 2025, aimed at promoting the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement to various target groups in the country, particularly university students, as well as all responsible institutions with a socially responsible role in promoting and disseminating humanitarian values.


The meeting covered new ways to promote humanitarian values in line with the ongoing development framework of the Red Cross of North Macedonia, “Transformation 28,” new dissemination modules of the Movement, and an overview of existing materials for the preparation and support of disseminators.


The meeting resulted in several conclusions regarding activities to be undertaken on a short-term and medium-term basis.


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