Red Cross ShapeRed Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia
Participation on the international workshop “Risk management and establishment of efficient rescue system – basis for safe adventure tourism”


Participation on the international workshop “Risk management and establishment of efficient rescue system – basis for safe adventure tourism”

On  14.05.2019, representatives of Macedonian Red Cross participated on the international workshop “Risk management and establishment of efficient rescue system – basis for safe adventure tourism “, in frames of the cross border IPA project  (Macedonia and Albania)  implemented  by Macedonian Red Cross – Red Cross Branch Ohrid and the National Centre for Environment, tourism and sustainable development from Albania. The workshop was held in hotel Filip in Ohrid. The participants on the workshop were tour operators, representatives of mountaineering societies, guides, services for water safety, representatives from state institutions from Albania and Macedonia. The following topics were discussed on the workshop: The importance of organized rescue systems, modern systems for risk management, capacities for water safety and mountain rescue, possibilities for cooperation between rescue services and travel agencies involved in adventure tourism. In frames of the workshop, the participants visited the Centre for mountain rescue of the Red Cross Branch Ohrid which is first of this kind in Macedonia, which operates 24/7, and is for the Ohrid region and the neighboring municipalities. During the meeting, a presentation was held on the emergency number of the rescue service 13 – 112 in case of need for rescue.

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