Red Cross ShapeRed Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia
Week for Care for Elderly


Week for Care for Elderly

The modern world is undergoing a demographic transition, not only in terms of slowing population growth, but also in its changing structure due to the decline in youth participation and the growth of older people. As in other countries, in the Republic of North Macedonia, the number of the elderly is increasing, and this trend is expected to increase further in the future.

Apart from the assistance provided by the competent institutions, the care and assistance for the elderly is one of the main program activities of the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia. Particular emphasis is placed on the development of services for the delivery of social and health care services to the elderly at home. Also, by implementing appropriate activities, attention is paid to active and healthy aging of the population. As members of the InclusiveM network, and members of Governmental bodies – Coordinating Body for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of the National Strategy for the Elderly and the Social Security Council, the Red Cross of RNM makes an active contribution to the implementation of the measures and activities taken by the state for social inclusion of the elderly.

In order to emphasize the importance of the need for increased integration of the elderly, the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia from 18th to 24th November with appropriate activities celebrates the Week for Care for Elderly, under the motto “We are all their children”. During the week, the following activities will be organized through the Red Cross branches and the City Red Cross of Skopje: public events with representatives of government institutions and civil society to encourage activities for active and healthy aging and development of non-institutional forms for protection of the elderly; visits to elderly and frail persons in their homes, especially in rural areas, with the involvement of young Red Cross volunteers and the recruitment of health professionals; educational workshops on topics of interest to the elderly; creative workshops; recreational activities, as well as thematic workshops to encourage social inclusion of the elderly.


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