Workshop for educational institutions on protection and self-protection in case of disasters
The Program for Disaster Preparedness of the Macedonian Red Cross in cooperation with the Local Red Cross Branch of Veles, on 12.06.2019 in the premises of the primary school “Sveti Kiril i Metodij” from Veles, conducted a workshop for reducing the risks from the disasters and protection and self-protection in case of disasters for teachers and technical staff from the school.
During the workshop, through interactive presentations and exercises, the procedures for preparedness and response were trained according to the Elaborate for Protection and Rescue of the Elementary School, as well as guidelines and advices for the protection of staff and students in case of earthquake, flood and fire. The workshop was conducted by an expert team of the Macedonian Red Cross in the field of disaster risk reduction.
In addition, teachers and technical staff were introduced with the project “Safer Schools and Kindergartens” financially supported by the ERASMUS + program whose expected results are: establishment of an online platform for first aid, disaster risks reduction and psychosocial support in emergency situations, online trainings for staff in educational institutions (kindergartens and primary schools) and preparation of recommendations for implementation of the legislation in terms of reducing the risks of disasters.
Within these activities, during September, a simulation exercise will be organized for the evacuation of the students and the employees of the school. This exercise will be the result of the training and will be an opportunity for practical implementation of the acquired knowledge of the employees and students.