December 25, 2018


Dear all,


We are at the end of a successful year filled with great challenges and numerous activities in our Organization. Together we succeeded, to manage the quality and reputation of our organization and so far we have come out stronger and richer with new experiences and practices that we share in the organization.

It is especially important for us that despite the numerous challenges and difficulties, through the synergy and cooperation of our structures at the local and national level, we managed to find appropriate solutions and successfully respond to the tasks that we faced, as well as to deal with all the reputational risks in that process.

The year before was marked by our professional care and support for all target groups, and with part of the energy we managed to upgrade the capacities of our Organization both in the area of material and technical means, as well as in the plan of providing training for human resources of our organization throughout the year.

In the course of the year, we devotedly worked on the realization of the traditional activities and in cooperation with our partners from the corporate sector, the public institutions and the civil sector, we touched a number of users and satisfied priority needs in local communities. Despite that, we have also invested in raising the awareness of the population and various target groups on the importance of the Red Cross in the state and various aspects of the field of social and health care and disaster preparedness and response, in order to provide through our advocacy efforts, public support and knowledge that will help in the realization of a safer and more dignified life of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia.

In this process, we enjoyed the support and cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, which is essential for the successful functioning of the Macedonian Red Cross. We do not miss the support of our partners and we are particularly grateful, above all, of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the EU, national societies, embassies, international organizations, the media and citizen support, which helped us realize the goals in response to the priority needs of the target groups that we served.

In that direction, let me take the opportunity to thank you for your continued support in 2018 in the process of implementing our joint efforts for organizational upgrading and continuous service to the users of our services. In the end, I want to wish you happy holidays, many successes and positive results in 2019. We hope that our joint efforts through the past years will be an incentive for even better results in the new year in all program areas of our organization. We want to assure you that , you can count on our support and that together we can get farther and do more.



Dr. Sait Saiti

Secretary General

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