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Programi PVH në Kosovë

Nga data 21 deri më 22 qershor 2024, në Prishtinë, Kosovë, u organizua një punëtori për vlerësimin e...>>

Caring for the mental health of the older people during the hot summer

Using certain techniques can help maintain the mental health and well-being of older individuals during the hot summer...>>

165 years since the Battle of Solferino

This year we mark the 165th anniversary of the Battle of Solferino, which took place on June 24,...>>

Signed Memorandum of Cooperation with the Albanian Red Cross Red Cross

On 21.06.2024, in the premises of the Albanian Red Cross in Tirana, the President of the Red Cross...>>

Cup for the Red Cross Branch Probishtip

The presentation of the PHV Cup for 2024 was organized in the crowded full cinema hall Probishtip on...>>

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