September 18, 2018


Dear Mr. Jess Baily Ambassador of the USA in Republic of Macedonia, dear Mr. Talat Xhaferi President of the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia, deputies, ministers, representatives of political parties, dear representatives of religious communities, associates, volunteers

Ladies and gentleman,

Allow me to thank you in the name of the Macedonian Red Cross for this joint initiative, which this year marks the 10 years jubilee, a continuity through which we have deepen our relations, promoted and encouraged humanity, and have also motivated our community.

The past few years, through our joint successes, support towards the most vulnerable categories, by providing assistance and personal contribution to the vulnerability mitigation in the community, we have become known in the society as the example of individual and collective responsibility.  

Today’s blood donation action is already a recognizable feature of our cooperation, built on the principles of humanity and solidarity, which represent part of the individual and collective awareness for both countries.

Many times in the past, both the American and our people have faced challenges that require activism without making distinctions based on religious, ethnic and gender identity, which have made us more united and have put us above all human suffering through.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

On this day, allow us to remind ourselves once again of September 11th, the event that has shifted the global perception of suffering, and also of help and unity when they are most needed.

We should not and must not forget the events, not only of our close but our distant history as well. We should not allow them to be emboldened to the collective consciousness as a memory, but to enhance our knowledge and the knowledge of the future generations on how to be ready for an appropriate reaction, how to provide assistance and support.

The feeling of helping, giving support and being close to those who need our help, makes us all greater personalities.

Such great personalities are the 1,809 blood donors who have donated blood on these actions for the past 10 years, reflecting high ethical, humanitarian and moral values.

Responsible stakeholders of the community are also the individuals, companies, institutions that have donated food products in order to support the most vulnerable categories of the society.

The Macedonian Red Cross continues to provide relevant and in time humanitarian assistance and we are obligated and dedicated to also do the same in the future.

We have managed to mobilize the humanitarian power to help people with our work, to build history and to adapt our humanitarian activities to the contemporary challenges.

It is crucial that we continue to become better in order to adapt to this world which is continuously growing and changing.

Our aspirations will be directed to the further development of our organization and the promotion of the individual and collective values, with special accent to raising awareness for the protection of the human dignity.

The jubilee has marked the building of friendships, the assistance provided towards the others, and the humanity in action. Throughout the years, we have learned more about each other, we have accepted our differences, we have given our contribution to the society and we have built strong grounds which have improved with years.

Dear associates, friends, allow me to appeal to all of you, that we together spread the message that things that are valuable for our society should grow in continuity, so that we learn more about us, you, ourselves, the others and for a better tomorrow.

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