June 27, 2018

Participation in training on the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid System

In the period from 17-22 June, a representative of the Macedonian Red Cross took part in the training of the European System for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Response in Crisis Conditions. The training was attended by 24 representatives from several European countries (France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Denmark, Bulgaria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, England) and representatives of the European Directorate for Civilian Operations and Humanitarian Aid (DG ECHO) of the European Union.

Lecturers at the training were experienced experts in the area of ​​International Law, Disaster Preparedness and Response, humanitarian aid with a deep knowledge of the needs of humanitarian aid and civil protection. The training was aimed at acquiring skills, knowledge and practice regarding the preparation of participants in different specific situations and crisis situations  caused by humans or natural disaster.

The European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Assistance Mechanism provides support to the affected population around the world since 1992, and every year this aid covers approximately 120 million people

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