February 2, 2022

Meeting Trenchevska-Saiti

The Minister of Labor and Social Policy Jovanka Trenchevska on 02.02.2022 met with the Secretary General of the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia, Sait Saiti to discuss current and future activities and projects of the Red Cross and joint plans and activities with the Ministry.

“The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia are partners in the three-year project” Support for inclusive development of community services for long-term care through multi-stakeholder involvement (InCARE)”, supported by the “EU Program for Employment and Social Innovation – EaSI”. “With this project we improve the access to adequate and acceptable care for the older people who need care due to cognitive or functional disorders,” said Minister Trenchevska.

She pointed out that with the service “Emergency Button”, beneficiaries could easily and effectively get emergency help both at home and outside, if there is a need for emergency medical care. The Secretary General of the Red Cross of RNM, Sait Saiti emphasized that the cooperation of the Red Cross with the MLSP is crucial in achieving the mission of the organization. He briefed that the project for personal assistance of people with disabilities and assistance to the older people managed by the MLSP, is being successfully implemented in the field.

“Currently we are working to support people with disabilities through personal assistance, and the project for care for the older people is solidly spreading among the citizens. This service is currently implemented in 8 to 9 municipalities, and with the support of the World Bank the service will be available to citizens in additional 7 to 8 municipalities. The service is very well accepted.”

Both representatives agreed that the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and the Red Cross are making significant efforts in the process of improving the situation of those who need help the most.

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