December 5, 2018

5th of December – The World Day of Volunteers Volunteers build stable communities

On December 4, at 11:00 am in the premises of the Museum of the City of Skopje, a Volunteer Conference was held under the slogan “Volunteers build stable communities

The President of Macedonian Red Cross , Rommel Velev, had an introductory address at the event,while the  participants in the conference were Phd Sait Saiti – Secretary General of the Macedonian Red Cross, Mila Tsarovska – Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Irena Ivanova, representative from the European delegation in Skopje, Lidija Dimova – Director of the National Agency for European Educational Programs and Mobility, Aleksandra Ristovski from Macedonian Red Cross, Blazen Malevski – President of the National Youth Council of Macedonia, Sanja Stefanovik – Program coordinator at Youth educational forum, prof. Marija Topuzovska Latković – Institute for Sociological and Political Juridical Research, Ivana Marincek – Chamber of Psychologists of the Republic of Macedonia, Prof. Rade Rajkovcevski – Faculty of Security – Skopje at the University “St. Kliment Ohridski “- Bitola, Zivko Mukaetov – Alkaloid AD Skopje.

The purpose of the Conference was to actualize issues related to volunteering and organizing volunteer work. Through the panels were discussed the normative framework for volunteering in the Republic of Macedonia, the significance of the volunteering for building a safe and healthy society, and representatives from civil society presented the best practices in organizing volunteer actions

At the event were awarded recognition Henri Dunan to: Jane Nedelkovski, Marija Stojkova, Stojce and Emi Tocinovski, Aleksandra Ristovski, for the realization and promotion of the ideas of the Red Cross, and certification for  RCA-PHV  team and Alkaloid AD Skopje for long-term participation and contribution to accomplish the goals and tasks of the Macedonian Red Cross.

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