December 13, 2018

Conducted training of trainers- multiplier for psychological first aid and psycho – social support in case of emergencies

In the period  from 7 to 9 December in Belgrade, Serbia, representatives of the Macedonian Red Cross, Serbia and Croatia had training on the use of training modules for volunteers and employees for psychological first aid and psychosocial support in emergency situations. From the Macedonian Red Cross participated 7 representatives who contributed to the finalization of a training module prepared by the University of Innsbruck and is intended for all organizations and institutions involved in relief operations in times of emergency, with a primary accent of the National societies of  Red Cross.

In the next two months the University of Innsbruck will finalize the tools and promote the training material for official use, after which all National Societies will have the opportunity to integrate it into the training modules of volunteers and employees in the current work.

The training was conducted within the project “Psychological first aid and psycho-social support in complex emergency situations” financially supported by the EU. More information on the project at

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