December 23, 2020

Conducting supervisory workshops on strengths and stress management skills for staff and volunteers of Red Cross of RNM

In the period of 17.12-21.12.2020 the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia, supported by IFRC within the project for support of the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia for emergency response to the COVID-19 pandemic, conductед 5 group (on-line) supervision workshops for enhancing strengths and stress management skills. The supervision workshops were targeted for staff and volunteers of the Red Cross of RNM in order to protect their mental health and prevent burnout syndrome both in crisis situations and in peacetime.

The workshops were facilitated by Natka Pachoska – Specialist in Medical Psychology – psychotherapist and Prof. Dr. Dragana Batic, Psychologist – psychotherapist.

In the course January 2021, the Red Cross plans to conduct 5 more supervision workshops and thus to strengthen the capacities in the area of mental health of 100 staff and volunteers of the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia.

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