Course for first aid training for lecturers and demonstrators for candidates for drivers
The Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia is doing its best, even in times of pandemic to strengthen the capacities of the Red Cross branches in the area of first aid. For that purpose, the Red Cross from 21 to 22.11.2020 held a two-day first aid training for demonstrators and lecturers for first aid courses for motor vehicle drivers in the premises of DHO “Dare Dzambaz” – Skopje. The training was conducted in strictly controlled conditions in accordance with the protocol for conducting trainings and courses prescribed by the Government of the RNM, and present participants were provided with protective masks and hand sanitizers. Before the beginning of the training, the body temperature of the attendees was measured and it was mandatory to fill in an epidemiological survey form. On the first day of the training, each candidate received a symbolic gift: a triangular scarf, survival foil and a ventilation handkerchief.
During the training, the candidates showed great interest, knowledge and discipline that led to a flawless teaching. With these trainings, the Red Cross aims to train new human resources for ensuring quality lecturers and demonstrators who will properly and appropriately transfer their knowledge in the area of first aid to candidates for motor vehicle drivers.