January 20, 2021

Distribution of posters for promotion of hygiene and protection from COVID-19

In the period from December 2020 to January 2021, the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia, through 32 Red Cross Branches and the City Red Cross of Skopje, conducted an intensified campaign to promote hygiene and protection from COVID-19 in accordance with the Action Plan of the Government of RNM to deal with the situation with COVID19.

Throughout the country, volunteers and staff of the Red Cross Branches and the City Red Cross of Skopje, distributed 1000 posters in Macedonian and 570 posters in Albanian to vulnerable institutions such as educational institutions (kindergartens, primary schools, faculties, etc.) with emphasis in rural areas or areas with vulnerable population and also additionally in other institutions such as medical institutions, medical primary care facilities, public places, etc.

With the implementation of the campaign, more than 200,000 citizens were directly and indirectly covered throughout the country as well as over 460 institutions. The campaign passed in the best order and the institutions and other organizations expressed great interest for additional activities and requested additional quantities of posters to promote hygiene and protection from COVID19. The distribution of the posters was done within the project – Activities of the Red Cross of the RNM in response to COVID-19, supported by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

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