Final workshop “Taking action on social inclusion of Older People “
Within the framework of the Regional project “Taking action on social inclusion of the older people”, from 25th to 27th January 2019 in Struga, a final workshop was organized by the Macedonian Red Cross and the Association Humanost, partners in the project in Macedonia. The goal of organizing the final workshop was to complete the three-year implementation of the project activities coordinated by the Red Cross of Serbia and implemented in five countries in the Western Balkans, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project is funded with the support of the European Union, the Austrian Development Agency and the Austrian Red Cross.
The opening of the final workshop was addressed by the Secretary General of the Macedonian Red Cross, Dr. Sait Saiti, as well as the Executive Director of the association Humanost, Sashko Jovanov. They emphasized the significance of the three-year implementation of the project that positively reflected in our country in order to provide an approach to the social inclusion of the elderly.
At the workshop by the project coordinator Ljupka Petkovska, expert associate at the Macedonian Red Cross, were presented the results achieved from the implemented project in Macedonia. The regional coordinator Natasa Todorovic, from the Serbian Red Cross, shared the achieved results of the project implementation in the five countries.
During the final workshop various topics dedicated to old age and aging spoke Phd. Suncica Dimitrioska from the Institute for Social Work and Social Policy on the topic of accepting old age; about the policies of the City of Skopje for delivering services to vulnerable target groups, with an emphasis on the elderly, said Natasa Maneska from the City of Skopje;
the draft amendments to the Law on Social Protection in the Republic of Macedonia were presented by Zoran Blazevski from the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy; on the demographic trends of the population, spoke Irena Spirkovska from UNFPA, on the topic “The health of the elderly in the Republic of Macedonia”. Dr. Elena Kjosevska from the Institute of Public Health. The workshop also presented the Analysis of the National Strategy for the Elderly 2010-2020, by Sasko Jovanov from Humanost, which was conducted last year and the members of the network took part.
Од страна на претставници на 12 здруженија на граѓани беа презентирани постигнатите резултати од реализација на малите проектни активности за социјална вклученост на старите лица во заедниците. Од спроведените мали иницијативи во петте земји ќе биде публикувана брошура која ќе биде испечатена на сите јазици на земјите учеснички во проектот.
Representatives of 12 civic associations presented the achieved results from the realization of the small project activities for social inclusion of old people in the communities. From the implemented small initiatives in the five countries a brochure will be published which will be printed in all languages of the countries participating in the project.
At the end of the final workshop, were made proposals for sustainable development of the IncluzivaM network, which will continue to function even after the completion of the regional project.