First aid courses
First aid course for candidates for motor vehicle drivers
For a long time, the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia has been responsibly and qualitatively conducting first aid classes for candidates for motor vehicle drivers. All Red Cross branches and the Red Cross of the City of Skopje conduct first aid trainings for candidates for drivers of motor vehicles, in accordance with the Law on Road Traffic Safety and the Rulebook of the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia (Official Gazette No.31/2008) and the Rulebook of the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia 0202-1087/1 dated 28.12.2020) for organizing courses for training of candidates for drivers of motor vehicles for providing first aid to persons injured in a traffic accident.
Red Cross of rnm is the only authorized organization for conducting first aid courses for candidates for drivers
- The course lasts 8 school classes (360 minutes), i.e. it is conducted in two days comprised of 4 school classes each day.
- Price of the course is 1500.00 denars.
The classes are held by a lecturer and demonstrator who are certified by the Red Cross of the RNM for training candidates for drivers of motor vehicles to provide first aid to persons injured in a car accident. Before the beginning of the course, each candidate receives a First Aid Manual for candidates for drivers and after successfully completing it, he / she obtains a Certificate for completed first aid course for candidates for drivers of motor vehicles. By attending first aid courses, candidates for motor vehicle drivers gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills for providing first aid that helps reduce the complications of the severity of injuries sustained in traffic accidents and to increase the chances of survival.
Every occupation and organization/company that has up to 20 employees at the same time, must have at least one trained and assigned employee to provide first aid. The Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia, in accordance with the Law on Safety and Health and the Rulebook of the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia (no. 0202-651/14 dated 04.07.2018) for organizing first aid courses for legal entities, conducts 3 types of first aid courses for companies/organizations:
- Basic course (6 school classes – 270 minutes) – Price 1200.00 denars.
With this course, the candidates acquire basic knowledge of first aid useful for all citizens of RNM.
- Advanced course 1 (8 school classes – 360 minutes) – Price 15000.00 denars.
With this course, candidates gain skills and knowledge for first aid tailored to the type of job.
- Advanced course 2 (13 school classes – 585 minutes) – Price 2000.00 denars.
With this course, the candidates acquire basic and specific skills and first aid practices, intended according to the specifics of the organization.
The classes are held by a lecturer and a demonstrator who are certified by the Red Cross of the RNM for training legal entities for proper and timely provision of first aid. Before starting the course, each candidate receives a First Aid Manual at the workplace and after the successful completion of the training, the candidates receive a Certificate for completed first aid course for companies/organizations.
Pursuant to the Rulebook on the manner of acquiring knowledge for vessel operator, the plan and program for taking the exam for acquiring knowledge of vessel operator and the form of the certificate for the acquired title, in accordance with the Ministry of Transport and Communications and the Port Authority – Ohrid, The Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia organizes first aid training for a vessel operators.
- The training lasts 8 school classes (360 minutes). At the end of the training, each candidate takes a test to check the knowledge, thus receiving a Certificate of successful completion of a first aid course for vessel operator.
Price of the course is 1500.00 denars.
First aid for different target groups
Depending on the interest and needs, the Red Cross of RNM also organizes first aid trainings for different target groups, so please contact the nearest Red Cross branch and ask for more information…
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