Happy first birthday “Button”!
On May 16, 2019 we celebrate the first anniversary from the opening of the shop for second hand clothes “Button”. A whole year of dedicated promotion of habits for responsible spending and donation, raising awareness for procurement of second hand clothes, employment opportunities for affected persons in the sewing shop and many other activities for development of better habits.
In the course of the year the shop “Button” was visited by total of 5.244 persons. Of them, 2.181 persons were registered as buyers who bought over 6.000 pieces of clothes, shoes and other accessories. Total of 1.1187 citizens donated clothes in the shop. This year over 30 tons of second hand clothes were donated in the shop “Button”, in the containers for second hand clothes, in the warehouse of the City Red Cross of Skopje and from 20 companies, institutions and organizations that supported the initiative. Through the point for free of charge distribution of clothes, the Red Cross distributed 11.141 pieces of clothes to 935 persons in 186 families and in 10 institutions which shelter persons exposed to social risks.
All the activities were promoted and shared over the year on the official fan pages of “Button” on Facebook and Instagram, which were followed and visited by 3.603 persons.