September 28, 2023

National exercise for testing the preparedness of the disaster response teams

In the period 21-24.09.2023 in the training center of Red Cross Bulgaria – Lozen, a national exercise was held to check the preparedness the of disaster response teams of the Bulgarian Red Cross Bulgaria and the Red Cross of Sofia.

The Red Cross of RNM participated and supported the exercise with three people in the area of PFA (Psychological First Aid), FA (First Aid) and Logistics.

One important aspect as a lesson learned from the exercise for our national society would to organize similar annual exercises with unknown scenario for the participants, in  order to test the preparedness of the disaster response teams of our national society, for example on the territory of the city of Skopje, as well as with other Red Cross branch organizations on the entire territory of the country, to ensure a joint and coordinated response, with a previously prepared scenario that would be unknown to them.

Regarding possible opportunities for further education and capacity building of the teams in the Bulgarian Red Cross and Red Cross of RNM, there is an opportunity and preparedness for organizing joint field exercises as well as exchange of experiences in in terms of availability of equipment, appropriate use, coordination and use of technology, i.e. digitization and its benefit in case of disasters.

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