June 21, 2019


The RCA-PHV Cup for 2019 goes to Ohrid


The 9th “RCA-PHV CUP” event, is aimed to promote the youth programme in the Red Cross Branch with the biggest number of projects appraised with “sun”.

This year over 150 small projects were developed, of which 33 were appraised with “sun”. The winner of this years’ RCA-PHV Cup is the Red Cross Branch of Ohrid. The Secretary General of Macedonian Red Cross, the representative of the Council of Ohrid and the President of the Red Cross branch of Ohrid attended the ceremonial event.

The event was organized in the crowded hall in the Cultural Centre “Grigor Prlicev” in Ohrid. Besides the awarding of the Cup, the Red Cross branches of Kumanovo, Centar, Veles, Gostivar, Kochani, Prilep, Radovish, Karposh, Kisela Voda, Chair, Struga, Kavadarci, Vinica and Valandovo received certificates of appreciation for development of small projects that resulted with permanent changes in the communities.


Congratulations to all disseminators, youth, teachers, parents, secretaries … for all those that were part of this years’ programme that made positive change to the lives of 3.000 people.

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