November 19, 2021

Visit of the First Ladies of the Republic of Poland and the Republic of North Macedonia to the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia

Within the official visit of the President of the Republic of Poland, Mr. Andrzej Duda, to the Republic of North Macedonia, on November 19, 2021, the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia was visited by the First Lady of the Republic of Poland, Mrs. Agatha Kornhauser Duda, wife of The President of the Republic of Poland, accompanied by Mrs. Elizabeta Gjorgievska, wife of the President of the Republic of North Macedonia, Mr. Stevo Pendarovski.

The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the activities of the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia with emphasis on the work of the Center for Psycho-Social Support of the Red Cross.

During the visit, the Secretary General of the Red Cross of RNM, Dr. Sait Saiti gave a brief overview of the work of the Red Cross of RNM in the country and the activities of volunteers and services of the organization for various target groups served by the Red Cross. The concept of the system for delivery of first psychological aid and psychosocial support and the SOS lines that operate through the Center for psycho-social support of the Red Cross of the Republic of Northern Macedonia were presented.

At the event was Mrs. Elizabeta Gjorgievska, wife of the President of the Republic of North Macedonia, Mr. Stevo Pendarovski, who as a prominent long-term humanitarian worker adrresed the present on the event and presented her personal volunteer story and volunteering in the Red Cross of RNM. The present were also addressed by the First Lady of the Republic of Poland, Mrs. Agatha Kornhauser Duda, wife of the President of the Republic of Poland, who greeted the Red Cross volunteers engaged in the Center for Psycho-Social Support of the Red Cross and complimented their efforts to reduce of stigma and prejudice through open, honest conversation to help those in need.

The guests talked to the volunteers who work on the SOS lines in the office of the Center for Psycho-Social Support of the Red Cross and emphasized that it is always a pleasure to talk to people with a high level of empathy, ready to give a hand, help and support.

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