December 1, 2016


On 21.11.2016, the first day of Week for elderly care which is marked 21-28 november under the moto: “We are all their children “, there was a mini fair in the premises of CIC (Cultural Information Center). With this event there was the start of the traditional calendar activity – Week for elderly care, which was marked in the frames of “The Day care center for elderly and center for provision of assistance in their homes”. 
On the event besides the promotional stands, each visitor could get a measurement of blood sugar and blood pressure. More than 200 persons have visited the event and there was also an addressing from the Secretary General of the Macedonian Red Cross Mr. Sait Saiti who opened the event “In the frames of the ongoing activities a have to highlight that five centers supported by EVN and Foundation Albiz, daily serve 400 older people we have over 700 daily visits, and during this week there will be included 5000 people and volunteers of the Macedonian Red Cross for more successful and more efficient implementation – stated Saiti “

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