A workshop for project planning conducted
The Macedonian Red Cross from 01 to 05 February 2018 in the Red Cross training center “Solferino” in Struga held a workshop on project planning within the implementation of the project for capacity building supported by the IFRC. The purpose of the training was to upgrade the capacities of the representatives of the Red Cross branches for project planning. The workshop was attended by 19 volunteers and employees from the Red Cross branches Berovo, Bitola, Kriva Palanka, Vinica, Gevgelija, Debar, Demir Hisar, Kicevo, Delcevo and Ohrid. The workshop was dedicated to training human resources for project development for various donors, in accordance with the manuals of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies for project planning and monitoring and evaluation. According to the guidelines given at the workshop, the participants from each Red Cross Branch have an obligation to prepare a project proposal, through which they will have the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge. The projects will be considered at the next workshop organized by the Macedonian Red Cross in order to support the finalization of the projects.