Red Cross ShapeRed Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia
Call for hiring a technical expert – legal entity for the Emergency button service at the Red Cross of the Republic of NorthMacedonia


Call for hiring a technical expert – legal entity for the Emergency button service at the Red Cross of the Republic of NorthMacedonia

The Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia announces a call for hiring an expert – legal entity for monitoring, maintenance and provision of technical support on a monthly basis within the Emergency Button service, in the period from April 2021 – August 2023, for the needs of the project “” – a project supported by a business partnership of RCNM and the Austrian Development Agency, the Austrian Red Cross and the Swiss Red Cross.

You can find the entire ad at the following link. (pdf)

Interested entities, no later than April 1st 2021 at 16:00, are required to apply:

To the following e-mail address: with a note Call for hiring a technical expert for Emergency button service.

The selected candidates will be notified, electronically, no later than 3 days after the selection.


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