
Successful implementation of 10 projects for voluntееr management
Within the activities of the program for voluntееr management, the implementation of 10 projects for increasing the number of volunteers and helping vulnerable population was completed on May 1, 2011. These 10 projects were implemented within the third phase of the ICB project – in the core area for voluntееr management.
5/10/2011 read more…

Activities : 2011

  • In 2011 continues the implementation of ten small projects for management of volunteers along with ten branches involved in the third last phase of implementation. Their implementation contributes for development of capacities of Local branches and increasing voluntary activity through the introduction of various forms of recruitment and motivation.
  • As a form of exchange of experiences, Interesting network for volunteer management continues to function in this third phase of the implementation of the ICB project. The main goal of the network is interaction between volunteers from different Red Cross branches.
  • First meeting of the Interesting network was held in Local Red Cross branch Stip on 23 rd December 2010. On the meeting were present coordinators of the project management for volunteers from 3 branches – Radovis, Stip and Kratovo and Anna Francik from City Red Cross branch of Skopje. The purpose of the meeting was consultation on proposals projects for increasing the number of volunteers and their conclusion, and the creation of draft policies for recruitment, retention and exit policies for volunteers.
  • The second meeting of the Interesting network for management of volunteers took place on March 10, 2011 at the Loccal branch of Gostivar attended by coordinators of the ICB small projects for recruitment volunteers from Stip, Macedonia Brod, Gostivar and Kratovo. First meeting of the Interesting network was held in the Local Red Cross branch Stip on 23rd December 2010. On the meeting were present coordinators of the project management for volunteers from 3 branches – Radovis, Stip and Kratovo and Anna Francik from City Red Cross branch of Skopje. The purpose of the meeting was consultation on proposals projects for increasing the number of volunteers and their conclusion, and the creation of draft policies for recruitment, retention and exit policies for volunteers.


  • In 2010, Macedonian Red Cross finalized the implementation of the second phase and started with the implementation of the third phase of the ICB Project within the core area of volunteer management, financed by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies covering the last 10 Red Cross Branches – Berovo, Makedonski Brod, Delchevo, Kratovo, Kriva Palanka, Radovish, Shtip, Negotino, Demir Hisar and Gostivar. This project significantly contributed for provision of appropriate training and activities for promotion of volunteer management and volunteer work. In the course of 2010, the following activities for promotion of volunteer management in the national society on national and local level.
  • In January 2010, local branches KiselaVoda, Gazi Baba, Karpos, Chair, Kocani, Strumica and Resen completed the implementation of the small projects for increasing the number of volunteers and submit narrative and financial reports.
  • From February to May 2010 was implementation period of 8 more small projects for increasing number of volunteers in the Local branches Gevgelija, Probistip, Krusevo, Kicevo, Valandovo, St. Nikole, Tetovo, Prilep within the first phase of implementation.
  • Interesting network for voluntary management in the second phase of the ICB and in 2010 was really active, by maintaining 3 networking meetings for creating customized forms for registration of volunteers – volunteer CV and application form for registration of voluntary activity. The forms were officially adopted by the Eexecutive board of MRC as official documents in the field of volunteer management.
  • Local branches Vinica, Struga, Debar, Center, as part of the second phase of the project ICB – voluntary management in the period October 2010 – February 2011 – finished their implementation of their small projects for increasing number of volunteers in order to recruit volunteers through implementation of appropriate theory and practice for volunteers and appropriate help to vulnerable populations.
  • The start of the third and final phase of the ICB project was marked by the organization a seminar for management of volunteers in 10 branches engaged in the third phase of the ICB management volunteers. From every local branch were present three participants: Berovo, Macedonian Brod, Delcevo, Kratovo, KrivaPalanka, Radovis, Stip, Negotino, Demir Hisar and Gostivar
  • Macedonian Red Cross from 18 – 20 November 2010 held a seminar for management staff in cooperation with Detra Center – Business Academy Smilevski attended by secretaries of branches included in the third phase of ICB project. Business Academy Smilevski by highlighting the role of management in the success of the operation, the need and criteria for delegation of powers, the basics of effective communication and teamwork, and successful management of meetings, manage to show a different aspect and need of modern business managers.
  • One of the most important activities in this year was the seminar for networking Local branches, held from 3 to 5 December 2010 – attended by a representative of 32 volunteer branches and the Red Cross of Skopje. Seminar which contributed much to exchange experiences, knowledge transfer and calculation of positive and negative experiences of management with volunteers from the entire process by all project participants involved in various stages of implementation.
  • On December 23, 2010 was held the First meeting of the Interesting network for volunteer management – in the third phase in ICB. On this meeting began the creation of policies for recruitment, retention and exit policies for volunteers as a third task of the network.
  • First meeting of the Interesting network was held in the Local Red Cross branch Stip on 23rd December 2010. On the meeting present were coordinators of the projects from 3 branches – Radovis, Stip and Kratovo and Anna Francik from City Red Cross branch of Skopje. The purpose of the meeting was consultation on proposals projects for increasing the number of volunteers and their conclusion, and the creation of draft policies for recruitment, retention and exit policies for volunteers.


  • The activities implemented in 2009 were targeted towards provision of volunteer and staff management training. In the two phases implemented in the reporting year, three trainings for volunteer management were organized.
  • The first volunteer management trainingwas organized in February with participation of 39 representatives from 13 Macedonian Red Cross branches.
  • The second volunteer management trainingwas organized in October with participation of 36 representatives from 12 Macedonian Red Cross branches.
  • The third training was organized for the coordinators of the volunteer management interest network at the end of October with participation of one representative from each of the 25 Macedonian Red Cross branches. The trainings were used for presentation of the manuals for volunteer management of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies as well as the Volunteering Strategy of Macedonian Red Cross for the period 2008-2012.
  • An interest network on volunteer management was formed which is responsible for volunteer promotion in the national society through regular exchange of information related to volunteering and implementation of small projects on volunteer management in the Red Cross branches that participate in the project.
  • Total of 13 small projects were implemented by the Red Cross branches in 2009.
  • In March and October 2009 two trainings for staff management were organized with participation of 25 Red Cross Branches as well as participants from Macedonian Red Cross HQ. The main objective was organizing appropriate training and capacity building of the management structure of the organization.
  •  The year was also marked with the adoption of the Volunteering Policy of Macedonian Red Cross in July 2009 and the adoption of Code of Conduct for the volunteers in September 2009.
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