March 14, 2017

Educative workshop for Red Cross volunteers

Macedonian Red Cross within the project “Improvement of the socialization of children and youth with special needs” supported by Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje, in collaboration with the Institute of Social Affairs, from 10 to 12 March 2017, organized an educational workshop held at the Center “Solferino” Struga.

The purpose of the workshop was to educate new volunteers of the Red Cross to get some knowledge and skills to access and support of children and youth with special needs. The workshop was attended by three volunteers each of the City Red Cross of Skopje and the Red Cross Branches Prilep, Kavadarci, Veles, Kicevo, Delcevo, Debar and Gostivar.

Participants in the workshop showed interest in the contents of training, willingness to learn, their creativity and motivation to work, sharing of experiences and knowledge, and mutual friendship and cooperation.

Besides the volunteers of workshop, participants were also local coordinators of the project activities and representatives of day care centers for children with special needs. At the workshop were presented local action plans for the implementation of activities throughout the year. It was also announced the joint event “charity bazaar”, which will be organized at the end of the year with the involvement of employees of Komercijalna banka.

At the workshop was proposed to continue with the continuing education of volunteers to strengthen their capacity for providing support to improve the socialization of children and youth with special needs.

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