December 12, 2018

Improving socialization for children and youth with disabilities

Macedonian Red Cross within the project “Improvement in socialization for children and youth with disabilities”, on December 6, 2018, organized a workshop for evaluation of the project activities implemented through the City Red Cross of Skopje and the Red Cross Branches : Prilep, Veles, Kavadarci, Delchevo, Kicevo, Debar and Gostivar .

The aim of the workshop was to determine the achieved results, the effects of the implemented activities, as well as to provide guidelinies for future action at the local level. The Macedonian Red Cross Vice President Dimitar Karakulev expressed his satisfaction with the implemented activities and gratitude to Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje for their continuously support that enables this project to be realized for eighth year now.

The workshop was attended by Phd. Jasmina Bucevska, Director of the Marketing Directorate of Komercijalna Banka, who expressed satisfaction with the previous activities that were implemented during the year and announced possible support for the next year activities.

The representative of the Institute for Social Activities Vaska Stefanovska welcomed the participants and expressed satisfaction with the joint cooperation with the Red Cross and thanked Komercijalna Banka for the support of the project.

Participants at the workshop were representatives of the Red Cross, representatives from the Day – care centers for children with special needs and the centers for social work from the municipalities where the project activities are realized, as well as the parents of children from the Daily Center for persons with cerebral palsy, Skopje.

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