National meeting of the civil society organizations network for social inclusion of the elderly
The Red Cross of Macedonia and Humanity, within the regional project “Taking action for social inclusion of the elderly”, that is financed by the European Union, organize National meeting which will be held from 1st until 3rd of June 2016 in the center “Solferino” in Struga. The purpose of this national meeting is to prepare the strategic plan of the of civil society organizations network for social inclusion of the elderly.
The National meeting will be opened by the Secretary General of the Red Cross of Macedonia Dr. Sait Saiti and Mary T. Pavlovska, vice president of the Association Humanity.
The meeting will bring together representatives of civil society organizations who will be members of the network, as well as representatives of government institutions, UN organizations in Macedonia and it is expected that a representative of the EU Delegation in Macedonia will be present too.
The report for the analyze of the situation in Macedonia for the strategic documents will be presented on the national meeting, as well as the policies that deal with the issue of aging population in Macedonia and the capacity of civil society organizations in the country being represented on which bases a strategic plan for network operation will be prepared.
The project is financed by the European Union