Participation of Macedonian Red Cross representative on the Training for trainers in Istanbul, Turkey
The four main NCDs— cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes — are reasons for 80 percent of NCD-related deaths occurring in low- and middle-income countries worldwide. Because 50 percent of NCDs are avoidable, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations IFPMA-IFRC has delivered a series of research projects and health education initiatives to identify new ways to help people fight NCDs and developed a toolkit for NCDs. This toolkit should assist in developing a healthy life stiles eliminating the most frequent risk factors for their appearance.
As a result of this in the period of 29th of April and 02nd of May in Istanbul, Turkey in organization of the IFRC was organized a training of trainers for healthy life styles. The main purpose of this training was to be educated trainers for healthy life styles in European zone that will be able to implement this programme for prevention of NCDs in their country using the toolkit for developed for this purpose but adapted to the local needs and context.