Simulation for evacuation of Primary School
Within the project Activities for Disaster Risk Reduction, which is financially supported by Turkish Red Crescent, a simulation for evacuation of Primary School was held. The simulation was a result of the previously implemented activities in the region of Debar and represented an opportunity for practical implementation of the gained knowledge of the school staff (teachers and technical staff) and students. The simulation was organized in the Primary School Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in Centar Zupa on 29th of November 2013.
Beside the Macedonian Red Cross and Red Cross Local Branch Debar, the simulation was supported by the regional centers of Centre for Crisis Management and Directorate for Rescue and Protection as well as from the Municipality of Centar Zupa.
Before the simulation the team held a coordinative meeting with the school staff on which the plans and elaborats for evacuation were reviewed again together with the precise activities that should be undertaken by the staff during an evacuation.
The simulation of the earthquake was conducted in compliance with the scenario and with high level of coordination and timeliness.
The students and teachers successfully evacuated them selfes to the planned safe area (the school playground) were the teachers confirmed that all of the students were safely evacuated.
After the succesfull evacuation, Macedonian Red Cross representatives had a discusion with the staff and students about the importance and meaning of the exercise. The discusion resulted with confirmation by the school principal that in the future such exercises will be implemented once or two times annualy, so the prepardness for evacuation can be on high level.
With the implementation of the project, Macedonian Red Cross through the Red Cross Local Branch Debar significantly contributed towards strengthening the local capacities for disaster risk reduction.