September 11, 2015

Start of the implementation of the project “Prevention of addiction diseases“ -supported by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Macedonian Red Cross in frames of its program activities for prevention of addiction diseases, this year has provided support from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for the project „Addiction diseases prevention” that will be implemented through the Red Cross branches Centar, Chair, Karposh, Kochani, Kumanovo, Kriva Palanka, Bitola, Struga, Strumica and Veles. The support is with an amount of 727 240 denars or around 13 070 USD. It is a project that has a goal to raise the awareness in the communities for prevention of addiction diseases among students in elementary and high schools.


The project will be implemented in the period September – December 2015 and will cover preparation of manual for peer educators, preparation of educative leaflets for prevention of alcoholism, smoking and drugs abuse on Macedonian, Albanian and Roma language, training of 30 Red Cross volunteers for peer education, conducting at least 100 workshops in elementary and high schools, organizing tribunes with institutions, local media and the local population for raising awareness for organizing activities regarding addictions prevention, and other promotional activities. On 09,09,2015 and 10,09,2015 in Kumanovo and Bitola there were instructive workshops held to inform the secretaries and volunteers from these Red Cross branches about the scheduled activities and responsibilities for the forthcoming period.


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