March 16, 2022

Support for people from Ukraine

About 50 people from Ukraine are already registered by the City Red Cross of Skopje and the Red Cross branches operating throughout the country. Special questionnaires for assessment of the needs of the persons have been prepared, as well as registration cards to record the provided assistance. Most of the people registered by the Red Cross are women who have arrived with their children, and who have certain connections in the country, such as family members, friends, acquaintances or associates. The Red Cross supports these people with food, hygiene items, clothes, shoes and according to the assessment the approach for each person is done on individual level. There is organized support for first psycho-social assistance and tracing service.

We continue to support and work together with state institutions to facilitate their stay in the country.

During the conducted assessments which is not easy at all for the individuals and for the team, the youngest ones are animated with drawing and coloring activities and provision of all the things that are important to the children.

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