January 16, 2020

The Red Cross presented the donors and the results of the campaign

The Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia organized a press conference in its premises on 15/01/20 at 12:00 pm on the occasion of the finalizing of the campaign for provision of assistance and support for the earthquake affected population in neighboring Republic of Albania.

The Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia announced at today’s press conference that a total of 16.6 million denars have been raised on a voluntary basis by civil society organizations, individuals and companies for the victims of the earthquake in Durres, Albania.

Most of the funds, or a total of 13.2 million denars were raised from company donations. The phone operators collected 2.67 million denars.  238 thousand denars are from individual donations from citizens, and 444,000 denars were donated by the Red Cross branches.

The funds will be transferred to the Albanian Red Cross by Friday.

Ahead of the press conference, the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia organized a meeting with donors – companies and individuals who took part in the action to help and support the affected population from the earthquake in neighboring Albania.

It is our practice to ensure transparency in the donation process and enable insight in the accounts and reports for the material and non-material assistance received.


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