April 23, 2018

Тraining for disseminators

During the period from 20-22 April 2018, a training seminar for new disseminators was organized and held in the “Solferino” Center for Personnel and Reproductions in Struga, intended for volunteers from the Macedonian Red Cross branches, supported by the International Committee of the Red Cross.

20 volunteers from 15 Red Cross branches attended the training seminar including: Cair, Kisela Voda, Karpos, Gazi Baba, Centar, Strumica, Prilep, Ohrid, Kumanovo, Negotino, Kicevo, Bitola, Veles, Gostivar and Kavadarci. The seminar was conducted through presentations, discussions, exercises, questions and answers, acquiring new knowledge and exchange of experiences and the final evaluation.

During the first day of the training, the following topics were conducted: The origin and history of the movement; The role and structure of the movement and the fundamental principles.

During the second day of the training, the emphasis was placed on the following topics: Fundamentals of International Humanitarian Law, International Humanitarian Law, and International Committee of the Red Cross, National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and there were exercises conducted for each of them.

In one part of the workshop, there was also a PHV coordinator from the Red Cross of the City of Skopje, where he introduced the volunteers even more to the program of the RCA-PHV Model for Dissemination of Youth.

On the third day of the training we summarized day 1 and day 2, gave directions for field work – where every volunteer disseminator that participated in the period until June should conduct 3 dissemination trainings. At the end, all volunteers were awarded certificates for successfully completing the training for dissemination.

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