June 4, 2021

Visit of a delegation from the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Health

On 03.06.2021, a delegation from the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Health within the University “St. Cyril and Methodius ”-Skopje, composed of dean prof. Dr. Lenche Aleksovska Velichkovska and prof. Dr. Slavica Novacevska visited the Center for Disaster Preparedness and Response of the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia. They were welcomed by the Head of the Operations Center Ali Samet and the disaster response desk officer Oliver Gichevski.

The purpose of the visit was to discuss joint activities in the summer season 2021 in the area of water safety. Namely, during the regular training of the students from the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Health, the process could be supported by Red Cross of RNM facilitators who would provide training for water safety, and would describe the place and role of the Red Cross in case of disasters, protection and self-protection in case of disasters, camp management, etc.

At the working meeting, they discussed the promotion of mutual cooperation between the two institutions, related to their activities, in accordance with the signed memorandum of cooperation, as well as its revision.

During the working meeting, the head of the Red Cross Operations Center, Mr. Ali Samet, presented the tasks of the Red Cross Disaster Preparedness and Response Center, as well as the activities undertaken by the RC RNM Operations Center for coping with the COVID -19 pandemic.

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