July 6, 2015

Workshop for sustainability of the programs for preventions of HIV/AIDS and TB


In the period 29-01.07 in the training center Solferino there was a workshop for sustainability of the programs for HIV/AIDS and TB financed by the Ministry of health through the Global fund for fight against HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria.

At the workshops there were representatives from NGOs, representative from Croatian Red Cross Dr. Sinisha Zovko and representatives from Macedonian Red Cross.

The workshop was organized in order to contribute in the effort for finding solution for sustainability of these programs with finances of the Global Fund that will expire in the next year, as well as to get familiar with the experiences from Croatia that had the transit period for the financing from Global fund and the take over from their Ministry of health.

Participants in the workshop also had the opportunity the learn about the programs for Harm reduction in Croatia, NGOs experiences and their activities, models of financing these types of programs, project preparations, and positive experiences for mobilization of funds from the corporate sector by the Macedonian Red Cross.

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