March 1, 2018

Workshop on Human Resources Management in the Macedonian Red Cross.

During the period from 23-25.02.2018 in the Training Center “Solferino” in Struga, was held a Human Resources Management Workshop with an emphasis on management with the membership in the Macedonian Red Cross. The workshop was attended by the secretaries of 29 Red Cross Branches and the Red Cross of City Skopje, who had the opportunity to share positive examples in the work with human resources, to discuss the challenges they face and to initiate steps for better improvement. A special part of the workshop was dedicated to refreshing the knowledge of human resources management for which an external consultant was hired. Cvetko Smilevski from Detra Education Center. His positive practices in human resource management were shared by guests at the Red Cross Workshop of Serbia and Red Cross of Bulgaria. In one part of the workshop there were a total of 16 volunteers and members with different role in the structure of the organization who gave their views and recommendations for improvement in the work. At the end of the workshop, a special Action Plan for improving the work with membership and volunteers in the organization was prepared, which will be considered by the Management Board of the organization.

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