September 22, 2023

Workshop on Strengthening Long-Term Care Advocacy Networks

At the invitation of the AGE Platform Europe and the European Disability Forum, the partners of the Regional project “Strengthening the resilience of the older people in case of disasters and emergencies” supported by the European Union in partnership with the Austrian Red Cross, participated in a second training for strengthening long-term care advocacy networks. The workshop took place from 18-20 September 2023 in Brussels. The workshop was attended by representatives of the Red Cross of Serbia, Albanian Red Cross, the Red Cross of Montenegro, the Aid and Development Association “Hajde” from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia and the Association “Humanity”.

The objective of the training was to strengthen advocacy knowledge, through which the participants should identify other citizens’ associations that will be involved in advocacy, to acquire knowledge to develop applications and advocacy messages to EU and relevant institutions in the states regarding implementation of the EU accession negotiation process.

At the workshop, each partner involved in the project presented its Advocacy Plan, prepared on basis of the recommendations made in the research on access to long-term care in the states.

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