November 5, 2013

Held workshop on Protection and self-protection from disasters, within the project “Disaster risk reduction activities”, financed by Turkish Red Crescent

Within the project “Disaster risk reduction activities”, which is financed by Turkish Red Crescent, on 30th of October a workshop on Protection and self-protection from disasters, was held. The workshop was organized in the primary municipal school “Nam`k Kemal” which is located in village Chalakli, Valandovo. Beside the school personal (teachers and techical staff) from the school, the workshop was participated by the school personal from the others schools which are covered with the project. Those schools are, primary municipal school, “Straso Pindzur” – Josifovo, “Josip Broz Tito” – Valandovo and the regional schools in villages Dedeli and Kalkovo.

The session for Protection and Self- protection from Disasters was conducted by the coordinator of the program for disaster prepardness and response. The participants had an opportunity to learn about the basics of the disasters (natural and caused by men) and what to do before, during and after a disaster strike. Later in the session, the participants had opportunity to present their gained knowledge through practical exercise  in which they were seeking solutions on various disaster situation, more precise how to evacuate during fire, earthquake and flood.

The Red cross methodology on hygiene promotion, was also presented to the participants together with materials that will be used in future by the teachers for a presentation for the students.

The workshop was finished by the secretary of Red cross Branch Valandovo, with a presentation of the elaborates and plans for evacuation of the specific schools, which are covered by the project. The elaborats also contain information about the possible risks from disasters in the region, so the predicted evacuations are in accordance with it. The secretary also gave directions for developing a scenario for simulation exercise on which both the students and personel will evacuate from the school in accordance with the developed elaborate and plan.

With the implementation of this project, Macedonian Red Cross is direct influencing  on the disater risk reduction in the region of Valandovo.





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