Tracing service – refreshment
As a result of the increased number of activities of Macedonian Red Cross related to the migrants transiting through our country there was a need for increased engagement of the Tracing service of the National Society.
These circumstances have put the need of the Tracing service at stand by position at all levels of the national society. Macedonian Red Cross in this area has great support by the Regional office of ICRC in Belgrade, thus it was for the refreshment workshop for the persons responsible in the Red Cross Branches and City Red Cross of Skopje.
The workshop was held on 18.06.2015 which for some participants was new and for some a refreshment for the activities during the refugee crisis in the 90-es.
The goal of the workshop was to put bigger attention on the activities that are relating the Tracing service with the migrants in Macedonia. The accent was put on the activities that are implemented by the Red Cross Branches that are on the route on which migrants are walking and the possible activities of the Tracing service. It was highlighted about the specifics of the work with this target group and the need for permanent communication of the staff from the Red Cross Branches with the headquarters where the communication with the other countries is done..
The workshop was evaluated by all the participants as very useful and as a conclusion there was expressed the need of immediate trainings in the Red Cross Branches for volunteers that in a case of a need would be engaged in the work of the tracing service.