September 14, 2015

Visit from the Executive President of the Croatian Red Cross to Macedonian Red Cross

On 14th September 2015 Macedonian Red Cross was visited by the Executive President of Croatian Red Cross Mr. Robert Markt.

The Secretary General Mr. Sait Saiti has presented the key activities of the Macedonian Red Cross that are implemented on domestic and international field, but before all with the fruitful cooperation with Croatian Red Cross in the past. Special accent was put on the activities that are ongoing for assistance of the migrants transiting through our country.

The Executive President of the Croatian Red Cross Mr. Markt stated that he will give his personal contribution for improvement of the cooperation of booth organizations with exchange of experiences.

During the day there will be a visit to the City Red Cross of Skopje where additionaly will be presented the Day center for blood donation and the day center for elderly booth located at DHO Dare Dzambaz-Skopje.


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