Workshop on Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for reproductive health in humanitarian crisis and disasters
During 22-24 February 2014 in Ohrid, a workshop was held for on Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for reproductive health in humanitarian crisis and disasters. The workshop was organized by UNFPA. Beside the representative from the Macedonian Red Cross, on the workshop actively participated representatives from other governmental and non governmental organizations such as; Ministry of Health, Institute for Public Health, Center for Crisis Management, Directorate for Rescue and Protection, as well as from NGO HERA. The goal of the workshop was to analyze and complete the Tool for the assessment of countries’ readiness to provide Minimum Initial Service Package for SRH during a Humanitarian Crisis, and on its basis to develop action plan for meeting the goal. The goal of the Tool is to assess the actual condition in our country regarding reproductive health in humanitarian crisis, and based on it to undertake activities which will result on the end with incorporating a new chapter in the already existing Plan for disaster prepardness and response of the health system in crisis in Republic of Macedonia. Few other work meetings are also planned for future, on which some of the activities which are part the action plan, will be defined and developed.